International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) - Las Vegas 2024
3150 Paradise Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89109

Event Details
Calling All Retail Professionals!
The Riverside County Office of Economic Development, with 14 city partners, will be attending ICSC Las Vegas, May 20-21, 2024.
We would love to meet with you, and learn about your expansion efforts, as well as connect you to additional opportunities that may be available in Riverside County, Inland Southern California.
Find out why Riverside County is once again the fastest growing large county in CA!
We invite you to join us in our 4,000 SF pavilion, in the Central Hall - space #2459J.
Las Vegas Convention Center
3150 Paradise Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89109
To reach out to the Riverside County team, contact us at the email address or phone number below.

Meet the ICSC Team!
Meet with Riverside County in our 4,000 sq. ft. pavilion (booth #2459J), where representatives from 14 of our partner cities, located throughout the county, will join us. We would love the opportunity to meet with you to learn more about your expansion efforts and to connect with additional opportunities that may be available in Riverside County, Inland Southern California.

To reach out to the Riverside County team, contact us at the email address or phone number below.