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U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GUIDANCE - The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a press release with employer and employee guidance on the effects the Families First Coronavirus Response Act will have on paid sick leave, family and medical leave. Click here to review this document.
U.S. WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION - The U.S. Wage and Hour Division (WHD) has put together answers to commonly asked questions related to how COVID-19 affects wages and hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act and job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. They have also put together information on how the recently passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act will affect paid leave for both employers and employees. For more information on these subjects, click here.
FECA COVERAGE FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEES WITH CORONAVIRUS - The Division of Federal Employee’s Compensation (FECA) has stated that employees who contract COVID-19 while working will qualify for full coverage of relevant medical treatment and wage loss. However, to be eligible for this coverage, the employee must have a confirmed positive test that is proven to have resulted from exposure that occurred while working. There will be no coverage or payment for exposure that does not lead to the contraction of COVID-19 and wage loss and medical treatment from preventative measures will also not be covered. Click here to review what a federal employee who contracts the Coronavirus Disease is entitled to.
U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS - While COVID-19 has pushed many companies to adopt remote work practices, Click here for some ideas to consider for employees who do not have the option to work remotely.
OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT - The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) works closely with a number of federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide updated information to Federal agencies and employees as it becomes available. Click here to view the latest information.
CDC RESOURCES FOR BUSINESSES AND EMPLOYERS - Click here to learn how to plan, prepare, and respond to the Coronavirus.
OSHA GUIDANCE ON PREPARING WORKPLACES FOR COVID-19 - Click here to view the OSHA guide for preparing workplaces for COVID-19.
GO-BIZ COVID-19 - The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development has compiled helpful information for employers, employees and all Californians as it relates to the cornonavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Click here to access this site which includes links on how to support employers and employees who are susceptible to the virus’ disruption.
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (OSHA) WORKPLACE GUIDELINES - Workplace safety and health regulations in California require employers to protect workers exposed to airborne infectious diseases such as the Coronavirus. Cal/OSHA has posted guidance to help employers comply with these safety requirements and to provide workers information on how to protect themselves. Click here to review OSHA information for workers and employers about the evolving Coronavirus outbreak.
LABOR & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY - The Labor and Workforce Development Agency also has a page dedicated to resources for preventing and dealing with the Coronavirus. The resources are aimed mainly at employers and workers. The site has links to detailed information from the California Economic Development Department (EDD) about how COVID-19 affects paid sick leave, paid family leave, disability and unemployment insurance, employer assistance programs, health guides and information, and a workers’ benefits chart. Here is some of the information provided through the site.
Paid Sick Leave – Employees are applicable for paid sick leave if they could not work due to exposure or illness from COVID-19. Employers cannot require an employee to exhaust paid sick leave, but if they do exhaust paid sick leave, then they can use other leave time if they choose to and it is allowed in the time off policy.
School Closures – Employees and employers should discuss options for if this happens. If the business has over 25 employees, then the employees are allowed up to 40 hours of school emergency time off.
Employer can require information on recent travel to areas deemed high risk for the Coronavirus.
If an employee reports to work and is then sent home early due to COVID-19, they must be paid between 2-4 hours wages.
Disability Insurance - Employees exposed or infected with COVID-19 can file for Disability Insurance and receive short term benefit payments. These payments will be between 60 – 70% of their wages and between $50 to $1,300 per week. The one week wait time has been waived by Governor Newsom in cases related to COVID-19.
If someone must take time off work to care for their family who is ill due to COVID-19, they qualify for up to 6 weeks of paid family leave (PFL).
If a worker has no other option but to miss work due to their children’s school closing and is unable to work remotely, they can apply for unemployment benefits.
Reduced Hours – Employees whose hours were reduced or were furloughed can apply for unemployment benefits. They will get partial wage replacement payments that amount to between $50 to $450 per week. If the employee is expected to be hired back after the COVID-19 pandemic has been dealt with, then they do not have to actively job search to qualify for unemployment benefits. Employers can use the Unemployment Insurance Work-sharing program to try and prevent layoffs which pays for up to 60% of the wages of employees with reduced hours per week. There is also a Rapid Response Team that is responsible for trying to assist businesses, prevent business closures and layoffs, and helping workers recover from layoffs.
Laid Off – Employees who were laid off or lost their job due to the Coronavirus are entitled to partial wage replacement benefit payments ranging from $40 to $450 per week for up to 26 weeks.
Self-Employed – People who are self-employed qualify for insurance claims if they have made contributions to that specific plan in the last 5 to 18 months. The contribution does not have to be from when they were self-employed. It could be from a prior job or if they were misclassified as an independent contractor instead of an employee.
Employer Tax Assistance – This allows a 60-day extension from EDD to file state payroll taxes and reports without penalty or interest, as long as there is a written request submitted and received within 60 days of delinquent payment or return. If there are questions, contact 1-888-745-3886
Click here to see what resources are best for you, your family, and your workplace. For more information about the effects on workers, click here.
RIVERSIDE COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT - Riverside County Workforce Development offers many services free of charge to employees and employers in Riverside County. For more information on their COVID-19 relief efforts and services, click here.